- Homebrew El Capitan System
- Homebrew El Capitan
- Homebrew Failed El Capitan
- Homebrew Osx El Capitan
- Homebrew El Capitan Download
- Homebrew El Capitan Mod
- Homebrew El Capitan Free
I upgraded to El Capitan, with Homebrew & Ruby, and this is how I did it flawlessly. And Xcode and Java, etc. If you don't already have homebrew installed, do that first, so you don't have to deal with SIP issues. Install all Software Updates available in the Apple Menu, up to and including El Capitan. Otherwise, read what Homebrew is saying very carefully. They usually provide great instructions that you should follow. If that doesn’t help, go to the Troubleshooting section to learn how to fix errors and warnings you might run into. On Apple Silicon Macs, Homebrew might tell you to run a few commands after the installation. Homebrew & El Capitan. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Table of Contents
- First applications
- system-level configuration
- homebrew
- ssh
I had enough issues after updating to El Capitan (the inability to save mywifi password in the system keychain was the tipping point) that Idecided to perform a clean install. Here are some notes.
First applications
Developer tools
Pretty much the first thing any mac needs is the command line tools. This can be done from the command line:
Download and install Xquartz:
Note for next time: might be worth trying to use homebrew.
X11 key bindings so that the option key is used for Meta..
Update a few settings.
Preferences –> Profiles –> Keys and do these things:
- select 'Left/right option key acts as': +Esc
- + –> Keyboard shortcut 'OPT+<left arrow>': Send Escape sequence 'b'
- + –> Keyboard shortcut 'OPT+<right arrow>': Send Escape sequence 'f'
Default appearance:
- Preferences –> Profiles –> Colors –> Load Presets –> Light Background
- Preferences –> Profiles –> Text –> Change Font –> 14 point
- Dropbox
- SizeUp - http://www.irradiatedsoftware.com/ (license in Dropbox/software_licenses)
- MacTex - download from http://tug.org/mactex/http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/mac/mactex/MacTeX.pkg
- HipChat client
- Chrome
- Dash 2 (App store)
UW only
- Sophos antivirus: https://softy.cac.washington.edu/sophos/for-staff/
- Junos Pulse (SSL VPN): https://networks.uwmedicine.org/content/sslvpn-frequently-asked-questions-14
system-level configuration
turn off spelling autocorrect
System Preferences –> Language & Text –> Text tab –> unselect 'Correct spelling automatically'
turn off spaces key shortcuts
System Preferences –> Keyboard –> Keyboard Shortcuts –> unselect C+{<-,->}
Note that El Capitan introduced System Integrity Protection (SIP), which may need to be temporarily disabled during homebrew installation. See https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/share/doc/homebrew/El_Capitan_and_Homebrew.md
If it becomes necessary to fix permissions:
packages installed using homebrew
homebrew cask
Command line installer for desktop applications. See https://caskroom.github.io
Install some applications
homebrew API token
Apparently lots of requests to GutHub via homebrew can hit a rate limit. There's a higher limit if you create an API token. See https://gist.github.com/christopheranderton/8644743
Here's the url for the token creation dialog:
Make sure that all 'scopes' are unchecked. Once you generate the token, add to your shell profile:
Homebrew El Capitan System
Install zsh with Homebrew above
Change shell to zsh
zsh init files are in Dropbox/zsh
After installing homebrew's openssh on El Capitan, ssh-agent no longerseemed to work (in the sense that after using ssh-add to cache apassphrase, I still got a system prompt when trying to ssh). Thisseemed to be fixed by the instructions I found at the url below (myversion is functionally the same but uses PlistBuddy to edit theplist):
update /System/Library/LaunchAgents/org.openbsd.ssh-agent.plist
This should change the original value of ProgramArguments
Homebrew El Capitan
Now restart the service
create $ZSH_INITDIR/ssh-ask-keychain (called from start_ssh_agent.zsh)
create $ZSH_INITDIR/start_ssh_agent.zsh
(either as a file sourced from .zshrc, or as a code block in a login script)
Homebrew Failed El Capitan
Install emacs24 binary from http://emacsformacosx.com/
Check out my .emacs.d
Use homebrew - seehttps://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/share/doc/homebrew/Homebrew-and-Python.md
Run brew info python
for required and optional dependencies(installed above).
Install some python packages using homebrew - these are time consuming to install otherwise.
Homebrew Osx El Capitan
Install some other packages to the system using pip.
For elpy:
Really doubling down on homebrew this time around:
Homebrew El Capitan Download
Provided by the project http://osxfuse.github.io/ - the links beloware for binaries provided as installers.
Now create an alias: